Wednesday, May 18, 2011

TNS#75: Burning Man 2010 Travelogue

TheNextStep show #75 was taped 10/28/10... the fifth annual MST3K-style Burning Man travelogue! Featuring guests Shibumi, from my Leopard Martini Lounge BurningMan camp, and the renowned Dr. Hal Robins. Dr. Hal is well known in the bay area for his long-running Ask Dr. Hal Q&A show ( In recent years he has served as emcee for the Burning Man fashion show, and he's also known as an early Church of the SubGenius co-conspirator. Mark McGothigan ( was nice enough to contribute his footage of the fashion show this year, so the first part of the show has several video clips from that; then there was a slide show of 100+ photos I took this year; then a long video segment also by Mark showing the fireworks display and the start of the Man burning. All interspersed with informative, amusing or perplexing running commentary by Dr. Hal, Shibumi and myself! Shibumi ( is a designer and producer, and gets credit for inviting Dr. Hal onto the show. Thx Shibumi and Dr. Hal, that was great fun!